- Refrigeration Compressors
- Reciprocating hermetic compressors
- Scroll hermetic compressors
- Rotary hermetic compressors
- Reciprocating semi-hermetic compressors
- Screw semi-hermetic compressors
- Reciprocating open drive compressors
- Spare parts for compressors
- Electronic components for compressors
- Gaskets for compressors
- Accessories for compressors
- Refrigeration Compressors
- Heat exchangers
- Automation
- Valves
- Accessories for valves
- Pressure and temperature switches
- Accessories for switches
- Controllers and regulators
- Accessories of controllers and regulators
- Industrial cooling automatics
- Industrial cooling automatics (for refrigerants)
- Industrial automatics (for water, oil, compressed air, steam)
- Automation
Service tools
- Service tools
- Tools for tubes
- Tools for charging and recovery
- Tools for cleaning and flushing
- Tools for A/C service
- Other auxiliary service tools
- Refrigeration books and software
- Service tools
Measuring instruments
- Measuring instruments
- Electronic leak detectors
- Propane gas leak detectors
- UV inspection lamps
- UV dye injectors
- Anemometers
- Sonometers
- Thermometers
- Thermohygrometers
- Data recorders
- Solution meters
- Electric meters
- Pressure gauges for liquids and non-aggressive gases
- Inspection and termal imaging cameras
- Refrigeration systems diagnostic tools
- Accessories for measuring instruments
- Measuring instruments
- Condensing units
- Air conditioning
- Refrigeration fittings
- Ventilation
- Fans
- Walk-in coolers
- Heating automatics
- Insulation materials
Electrical equipment
- Electrical equipment
- LV electrical equipment
- Contractors
- Contractor coils
- Auxiliary contacts
- Relays
- Motor circuit breakers
- Soft starters
- Capacitors
- Plugs and sockets
- Overcurrent circuit breakers
- Residual-current brakers
- Molded case circuit brakers
- Compact switch disconnectors
- Modular switches
- Signal lamps
- Bell transformers
- Rotary switches
- Control buttons
- Surface-mounted connectors
- Current transformers
- Power blocks
- Rail holders
- Heating cables
- LV electrical equipment
- Electrical equipment
Thermic insulations
There are 2 products.
Showing 1-2 of 2 item(s)